Architecture / Apartments / Davidson Street, South Yarra

Davidson Street, South Yarra
Davidson Street is a cul-de-cac opening off Punt Road, as it rises from the Yarra River. This area is of special significance in Melbourne, containing an outstanding collection of interwar apartment buildings and houses in Mediterranean, Spanish, Art Deco, Arts and Crafts and Classic styles. There is also an injection of post war modernism here, and this varied context provided inspiration for our design response.
The streamlined aesthetic of art deco is here injected with a Nordic modernism, using sharply defined edges to give a narrow building frontage a balanced, asymmetrical composition. The language is carried through to the entry lychgate and a suspended walkway deck that carries visitors to the front door. Internally, the use of blond timber, simple volumes in the cabinetwork and contrasts of black metalwork carry the Nordic theme through the apartments and common areas.
Demaine Partnership